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Upcoming Publications

I’m very happy to report that I’ve had a couple more essays accepted by really terrific literary journals recently, and they’ll be published in the coming year.

I’ll be updating this blog with any news and links to the essays in Brevity and Michigan Quarterly Review for anyone who’d like to check them out.

2020 is a strange year.

3 Replies to “Upcoming Publications”

  1. Belated congrats! I’m glad to see your writing get more of the recognition and success it deserves. 🙂

  2. Michael, u r a really terrific writer. I am taken aback a bit by your writing skills. U are so very talented. I am a new follower, are there any books in the works for you? And by the way, I too am in Recovery a d have been for some years now. It gets better!! It ain’t perfect but its better!!! Hang in there Mr. Mcallister!!! If u need to chat I am always here!!!

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